Friday, July 10, 2009

About time

I don't know how this keeps happening. I think of blogging nearly every day, and yet it has been almost 2 weeks since I've taken the time to post. Argh.

Anyway, a couple weeks ago, I decided to try to donate blood again. If you've talked with me this spring, I'm sure I've told you about my difficulties donating recently. First, it was low iron. Then, it was small, rolling veins. But I thought, it's been quite a while since I've tried, so I'm going to give it another shot. My iron was great! And the phlebotomist said my veins were no problem - just kinda deep. Hooray!! A pint of blood given to someone who needs it.

I really don't understand mean people. You know, people who are mean either because they take some sort of joy from making other people miserable or because no one ever taught them differently. It seems like life is just so much easier if you're nice. People are more willing to help you and interact with you. It has always seemed to me that being mean takes a lot of work. Why not just be nice? Forgiving? Accommodating? I think a lot of my mindset comes from my faith and my attempt to be Christ-like. I know I often fail at this, hurting family and friends when I lose my intentionality. I guess, then, when I encounter a mean person, I should just see it as a reminder of my own desire to be nice.

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