Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I got out of sync with my 20K training this week. I'm scheduled to do my training runs on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, but I didn't go on Monday. But I went yesterday, and I'll go tomorrow. I still plan to do my "long" run (4 miles) on Saturday in order to get back on track, although I am considering switching my training run days to Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday for an easier-to-manage schedule. I guess I will just play it by ear at this point.

I had Bella with me again last night for my 30-minute run. She is a pretty good running partner, although she would prefer to go faster! Sometimes she will stop suddenly, and she only seems to do this when she is only a pace in front of me. It can make for a challenging experience. . . And since it was warm-ish yesterday, the sidewalks were a little more treacherous than they were last week when it was so cold. I headed out about 4:45, just when the sun was setting and the temperatures were dropping. All of the melting that happened during the day was beginning to refreeze, and I was having a hard time telling if the sidewalks were wet or icy. I'm hoping I don't run (pun intended) into the same problem when I go out at 6am.

One of the things I'm supposed to be doing during this training is getting used to a long run pace. I haven't been focused on this, but I know I should be. I believe an investment in a digital watch would help with this. I'll keep you posted.

There are a couple women from church who are considering doing the 20K, too. I think it'd be really fun for us to do this together! When the long runs get longer, it would be nice to have a couple running buddies. One of them has started training, but I don't think she has registered for the run yet; the other is seriously considering it. And if you are in the area on May 1, please plan to come cheer us on!

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