Thursday, March 4, 2010

March forth!

When I was a kid, every year on March 4th, my mom would remind me that it's the only day of the year that's also a command, and she would send me out the door to march forth. I look forward to it every year! It seems like I should spend March 4th working toward social justice. And I've missed my chance this year. But perhaps, starting next year, I will make March 4th a personal volunteerism day.

I finally got all of my teaching license application components completed and mailed. According to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website, it will take 12-16 weeks for my application to be processed. And that doesn't guarantee that I'll be approved for a license. *sigh* At least I'll know before the last minute job postings come along.

My training for the Lake Monona 20K continues to go fairly well, although I've been having a hard time fitting the weekday workouts into my schedule. Luckily, the training program I am following only requires 2 weekday runs, and I've made sure I fit them in. But I've been a bit lax about the cross-training workouts. I'd really like to find a good at-home strength training workout to do on those cross-training days. This Saturday, I'll be running 9.5 miles with a friend of mine. We did 7.5 a couple weeks ago, and it went really well, so I think 9.5 will be just fine, too. And it's supposed to be relatively warm and sunny on Saturday morning, which always makes running more enjoyable.

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