Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 2009

I watched the Inauguration of Barack Obama today while I was at work. Don't worry; it was boss-authorized. I watched for just over an hour. Long enough to see former Presidents Carter, Bush (the elder), and Clinton arrive as well as out-going President Bush. Some of the women from the office across the hall came in and watched with me, and Einar watched from home. It was a great ceremony! And Obama's inaugural speech was as inspiring and well-written as I'd hoped. Now his real work begins.

I was just reading an article from the Washington Post about health care reform. People who are against this reform, and especially against socialized health care, seem to always say that it will cost too much. I don't understand how taking care of the citizens of the country, emphasizing preventive medicine, and making sure that anyone can receive the care they need will cost more than the current costs of health insurance premiums and lost productivity. As a person who pays for private health insurance, I could use some reform. If it doesn't come soon, I'm not sure I'll be able to continue to afford coverage.

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