Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today, former Congressman Scott Klug has been in our office, working with our editor Steve on a project. I've met him before, and he's a really nice guy. He walked over to a nearby pizza place to get some lunch for Steve, and offered to get me some, too. I had just eaten the chili I had brought for lunch, so I declined the offer. When he got back, he asked if I wanted half a piece of pizza. I said no, thinking he was just being polite, and trying to keep on my healthy eating track. He told me that he only wanted half a piece, so there would be this leftover half-piece in case I changed my mind. Never one to turn down free food, especially free pizza, I ate the other half of his piece of pizza. Crazy! (As a former member of Congress, he had tickets to the Inauguration but decided not to attend due to the large crowds.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sharing pizza with Scott Klug..pretty impressive! Nice to know how "common" these local celebrities are: Scott, Bo, and the Attorney General what's-his- name are. Fun connections you're making while doing the photo-shoots. Glad you're keeping a blog to remember them!
A Fan: your ABC originator