Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Last Day

I'm sitting at my desk at Tweedee Productions this afternoon for the last time. It's weird. It's oddly quiet. One co-worker is out of the office at a meeting and then will be working from home. Another co-worker just left for the day (but not before giving me a good-bye hug). One of my bosses is taking her mom to an appointment, but she'll probably be back around 4. And my other two bosses are working at their desks. There's no music playing. The phone isn't ringing. The only noise is the sound of typing and the air conditioning when it kicks on from time to time. Like I said, it's oddly quiet.

I spent the morning doing my usual cleaning at the church. And tonight I will wait tables at Mariner's Inn. But the afternoon - the filling of my work sandwich - is at Tweedee. My last day at Tweedee. It still seems surreal to me. But I'm sure I'll adjust.

I'm still looking for work. I haven't gotten a single interview for a teaching job. I haven't heard from NCME about the position I applied for last week. I am being patient. Or rather, I'm trying to be patient. I keep reminding myself of Matthew 6:25-31. "Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them." I am doing my best to trust God. I often find myself praying, "Lead me. Guide me." For now, it's enough.

On another topic altogether, for the past several months, I've been working on redesigning the website for our church. Today, it went live! If you've never seen the old site, you won't appreciate the improvement. If you have, enjoy the new design!

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