Tuesday, March 10, 2009


One of the added benefits of Einar's new job is that he now gets up at 6:00am. Well, his alarm goes off at 6; he actually gets up around 6:15. Anyway, 6am just happens to coincide with the time I need to wake up if I am going to exercise before work. Knowing that he'll be getting up to get ready for work provides me the little push I need to drag my tired body out of bed in the dark and get in a great workout before starting my workday. I've been doing Nordic Track Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Wii Fit strength training Tuesday, Thursday. And I also do some sort of workout on either Saturday or Sunday. It feels really good to be back to a regular, daily exercise regime. I am really looking forward to the weather warming up and drying out so I can start jogging outside again. Hooray, 6am! Hooray, employment! Hooray, hooray!!


Anonymous said...

AND you're doing it every day! I'm proud of you baby!!!

Anonymous said...

Accidentally hit enter too soon. That was from me.

Alphabet Kid said...

Thank you for helping me get up to exercise!